
From the very beginning of my career as a photo-journalist, I have been writing articles for magazines, to accompany and explain my photographs. When I decided to put down my cameras, I encouraged my editors to use photos by others or productions stills and only publish my text, mostly interviews with movie stars and film directors, because cinema has always been my passion.
As an international journalist, accredited by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and the HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association), I am invited to preview movies before their release, and to speak with their creators.  To me, it was never about writing reviews, as a film critic; I believe that, rather than “criticizing” a movie, it’s more enlightening to ask the people who made it what they meant to say, explore the themes of their work and its relevance to society.
Of course, I would tailor my articles to the specific publication. My favorite is to write for film magazines, because then I know my readers are movie lovers like myself; my other interest is to write for women, and use their curiosity about celebrities to discuss new ideas about family and politics, in order to create a better world for our children.
I have mostly been working for Italian publications (CIAK, EPOCA, MARIE CLAIRE, GIOIA, DONNA MODERNA, GLAMOUR, BEST MOVIE, etc), but I was also the Film Editor of VENICE, the Los Angeles Arts and Entertainment Magazine, and have written articles for other countries, such as Spain (MARIE CLAIRE, CINEMANIA), England (LOOKS), Germany (BRIGITTE) Japan (CUT), Holland (MARIE CLAIRE) and Russia (MARIE CLAIRE).
I present here some of my interviews, published in different languages by various magazines, to share this information on the Internet with anyone who might be interested.
Here’s the link to my November 2011 cover story on Julia Roberts for “Larry Crown” in a new magazine from Condé Nast Italy, MYSELF.  Currently, in 2020, I am Los Angeles Correspondent for the Italian film monthly BEST MOVIE, the bimonthlies VOILÀ and STORIE.

For more info see Elisa Leonelli website